I had a similar break with one of the models I got from another company. Pretty annoying, especially since I had already started painting, but at...
Yeah, there is good precedent to assume a rules refresh, and I feel like Carlos alluded to that in the video update as well.
I'm still slightly confused by all the things that were removed from the catalogue - are the Morats getting resculpted again? Is the box going to...
I've pulled old tournament boxes from previous seasons out of my stash to run events or to sell directly to collectors - in my experience, people...
I haven't been able to play N4, but I really liked the Zerat red fury when it was added in N3. It's a fairly distinctive profile that fills a role...
I never liked the hungries link as an order battery from either a theme/lore standpoint or from a mechanical one (eats up the fireteam slot), so...
There are lots of units that end up with different weapon selections than on their dossier, the visual and rules design process don't always line...
Most of these are pretty clean, it's true. But you can still see some mould lines and flash. For example, the spears (both in hand and on the...
Super-jump was probably a bit too good compared to climbing plus previously, but in its current state it's just a bit disappointing. It feels a...
It's been a long time since I had to get a replacement part, but they've never given me any trouble, even when I didn't have the codes available.
I like good minatures, mostly irrespective of the material. CB makes really good metal models, the new stuff GW is producing is really good hard...
As mentioned in previous posts, Morats draw elements from Japanese/samurai culture. I'm pretty sure their red skin and big hair is meant to evoke...
I don't have experience casting parts, so I can't speak to the circular vs. rectangular arrangement. But one thing that's interesting to note is...
Please read the rules for Burst in Face to Face rolls - https://infinitythewiki.com/Combat_Module_Intro#Face_to_Face_Roll Both players make one...
I've been using it consistently for years with very good results, but I'll keep an eye on various options. Adding some greenstuff to joints is...
Since we're talking about ties, the part that actually matters is where the rules talk about resolving ties. In these rules, "roll" is referring...
It's a relatively fresh bottle, but not brand new. Lately I've been mostly using the Gorilla Glue brand.
I'm still waiting for a siocast Infinity release that's relevant to factions I play, but I did pick up some siocast models from Yedharo (their...
Exciting news, thanks for sharing the plan!
Thanks for sharing some useful pics and text, @Wizzy