Right, and I believe in the current box, Fiddler is metal but the jackbots are siocast.
Also, having now watched the seminar video, I can see that there are still no announced plans for general release S2-scale siocast models....
I thought people were saying there was a general release S2 siocast model, but having watched the video I see now that that is not the case.
Hopefully youtube soon as well...
Definitely curious to hear more, I've got some friends who would be very interested in picking up a new fantasy skirmish game.
I assume you're talking about this: [MEDIA] ? Starting at 6:50, in the Q&A section, Bostria says that right now the plan is to do TAGs, remotes,...
I remember them saying that they were initially sticking with Siocast for larger models, but I don’t recall anyone from CB making strong future...
I’m actually pretty happy with the armored look of the new Morat units and find them to have a distinctive aesthetic, even without colors applied....
I know it’s not a change, and probably doesn’t count as a bug, but I think it’s very strange that Krakots are LI instead of WB. Especially since...
The ☯️ menu on the web version also does not bring up the new fireteam chart for me, only the martial arts, booty, etc. Force reloaded the page, etc.
Sounds good, I can still put her in a Duo with an attack piece to get moved up towards objectives.
Did Gromoz get dropped from the DBS roster?
I don’t necessarily love the mixed boxes, but it meshes better with the new fireteam composition rules than 4x of a single unit.
Best guesses: 1. Because hungries and Oznats aren't the same unit and don't have a label (like "Morat") that makes them equivalent 2. It's a Duo,...
I know everybody loves to speculate wildly, but I imagine a number of these questions will be answered tomorrow when the rules pdf and full...
I'm not a huge fan of the idea of a mixed HVT / real trooper concept, as seen in the Tohaa Diplomatic Delegate. It makes it unnecessarily...
Interesting, where is that schedule posted?
Yeah, I really like the new Rasyat backpack design - I think the model looks more balanced when you can see the full rotation.
New trailer has a slight view of the rear of the Rasyat - it looks like part of the reason for the very built up shoulder armor is that the combat...
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