It’s been used off and on since latter N3 for designating particular profiles for fireteam compatibility but they’ve never been good about...
Thanks for the analysis - do you have a link to how you generated those numbers? I'm playing with it some currently and coming up with slightly...
Yeah, I've been (unsuccessfully) beating the "morats are space-oni" drum on these forums for a long time now.
Looks to me like JSA can make a Haris of 2 Aragoto and Kuroshi.
It's an interesting tradeoff - the HRMC is going to be more reliable at winning FtF rolls, but the autocannon definitely packs a punch. My dice...
I think they might just be struggling a bit with S6 manned TAGs from a design perspective. The Blue Wolf also had some weirdness with where the...
Thanks, I appreciate you fleshing out your thoughts a bit more and I pretty much agree with what you said. I think I just wasn't properly picking...
I think that would be good, and I hope it's the case.
I think it would be good if the N4 rules annex had an explicit line to this effect under fireteam creation.
I’m not really defending the placement of the pilot, I just don’t really see the pogo stick analogy.
Haven’t played that game, but I guess it looks a bit different to me.
I did not see that, but that would not surprise me.
I can’t anticipate much from this photo. Can you elaborate a bit?
I read it as less of a pogo stick and more of a pilot seat, in which case the material between the pilot’s legs makes more sense - it’s just the...
That would still place the sharp side of the claw on the inner edge, not the outer.
The Sphinx was also on a big tactical rock and sawing through that much metal was a huge pain.
I think this is a bit of an experiment to try a new release method for models that expect to be fielded in mixed fireteams. As the game grew away...
I don't mind the semi exposed TAG pilot too much on the Bultrak, as it's S6 and there's not as much room for a fully enclosed pilot chamber. Given...
Yeah, I feel like they very much avoided saying what specific material was being used for Warcrow (kickstarter or full minis game).
I'll wait for official confirmation (probably closer to the dungeon crawl kickstarter) as to materials - the TAG Raid one is using PVC for large...