Seeing how my regular YJ opponent refuses to play with proxies, I would say - no idea" to the original question. Big mistake on CB's part to wait...
I wont be buying these models if there are no profile changes, regardless of how nice they look - and they look great. Thankfully, some changes...
Nice initiative.
I agree, re-organising the downloads section on the website would go a long way in itself. Right now a new player does not know where to start...
Your speculation leads to a dangerous place for a couple of reasons - but the most important one is that it's just needless overcomplication. The...
I use Kaeltar instead of Makauls very often, sometimes using 2 special weapons in 1 Triad. It does happen and taking it away for no reason would...
I admit I took the HMG LT once when I went to Korea and didn't have space in the bag - he did nothing in 3 games and died like a schmuck in the...
CB is too protective of their IP to include those things, I'm afraid. The change you're suggesting would neuter Tohaa. I don't see this...
It's a very good analysis and I agree on all points. Minutemen are useless and if you take them, you gimp yourself. That's simply it. The only 2...
Could be something like this. Mind you, it's nothing special. Neema...
I usually consider the Kotail as a fast objective grabber that won't use too many orders to get to the OBJ. Much like the Clipsos. For the price...
I don't see a point in this discussion, the case is clear-cut. I do agree wholeheartedly that it's beyond stupid, making Symbiomates unusable...
I use them all the time, preferably 2 in a Triad with a Paramedic to back them up. They strip a couple of orders away from the opponent and...
Fool me once, fool me twice...
QK is imo 100% gone. According to my formula CJC should also go, at least partially. I don't see anything else removed (bar Tohaa finally...
Shavastii an Tohaa are a Gencon release, while Ramah is supposed to be early next year.
I usually use the Paramedics every game, picking up the Symbiotroops they are in the triad with. I like the paramedics becuse they're cheap and we...
My list is usually this. Triads are shown in how the units are grouped.
I Indeed use Daylami HMG all the time, simply because in Bahram he has no competition. That's because the AVA of Ghilim is only 4, meaning if I...
Yea, it definitely look like not enough attention was put to having a final read of the book.