Even my grandmother has shock inmunity in N4, why umbras cant have it??
im gonna miss stratoscloud, for me it was a very effective tool to negate core links, and without it its going to be harder yes i could go with...
I dont see the point of having a core with hungries if i cant use their orders because they are irregular
What do you mean about vorpal and cc mods, monofilament ammo are always damage 12
yes, my bad guys, from emarat i started to think about flash pulse.. then i saw the rule so i though emarat was also excluded thanks!
MARKSMANSHIP LEVEL 1 AUTOMATIC SKILL Optional. REQUIREMENTS The user may only benefit from this Special Skill when he declares a BS Attack....
OMFGGG so cheap in my opinion
if im not wrong, you can choose the sphinx as datatracker, but it cant become a camo marker
What do you think about draal smg? I nevrr played it but i think its too short rangen for a non camo unit
yes, exactly as u said i came up with this list, but im not sure.. im losing a lot of orders for just a gao rael spit......
oh i see, you mean using draal minelayer and putting 2 camos so you are making the opponent think that one is the mine and the other one is the...
thanks for ur post bro! im seriosly thinkin about using your list :D
okey guys, this saturday i have a tournament and im going with tohaa hehe, i made a list for capture and protect but bc i just started not long...
In my opinion charontid LT is a must, you have 1 extra order to spend with ur alpha strike, and you dont have to worry about being in LoL,...
when i started playing CA 2 years ago i had a lot of fun with umbra legates,, i know people here dont like it too much but for me is pretty fun...
then one situation, u have ko dali in active turn vs dakini, there is a smoke between them, if u are in the ZoC of the dakini and u turn off...
i see, interesting, but can i declare attack CC even though i cant aro against that makaul, and then, in the second part of the order because...
why not karnak? he has strategos and amazing bs!
well the overdron is not that good in ARO, is just 1 shot like any other tag in reactive turn and arm 6 isnt it?
so nasty