hacking in N4 is cool, a great change indeed, now corvus just need to give the tools to play hacking to the other factions, not just nomads.
guys how do you handle high ARM enemies like TAGs or even worse, TAGs with mimetism -6 like sphinx or cutter? because i find the match up very...
Yes, but the HRL is the same, and far cheaper!
For me the HRL is probably the best, with the smg for close combat and also able to go for a suppressive fire for just 50 points..thats amazing...
okay, so you need to reset against a it.. but the pherobooster still wounds like a normal weapon?? so strange..:dizzy_face:
no cover?? why?
vale, pero lo de la inmunidad total es muy situacional, y lo mas fuerte del plasma es que funcionaba como la plantilla de escopeta, y podias...
i truly like the combi myrmi, a guy with smoke, stealth, good in cc and with mimetism -6 for "only" 24 points looks great to me, they are...
hombre la mejora del plasma no se donde la ves tu..
give them CORE!!:money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face:
guys do you really like the gorgos? its a tag that cant be repaired, but its hackable and very expensive in my opinion
V2 is just for going into cc like a rabid dog V1 is more for shooting thats what i think, so V1 should have the ap spitfire and not the V2! i...
i like the idea of 4 morons with chains trying to get into CC or maybe 3 chains and the myrmi spitfire ill try those fireteams for sure
meh, very situational .. i just dont understand why he lost C+.. makes no sense for me
i liked markmanship LX :/, about triangulated fire.. well, i dont see the usefulness of the skill
if im not wrong, Teucer also lost Markmanship LX and climbing plus
i dont know.. he is a HI with BS 13 with no mods for 55 points.. yes, okay he has NCO.. but not enough for me.. also the hmg just seems out of...
what???? how can you like patroclus now??
damn patroclus.. what happened to you..?:sob::sob::sob::sob:
then, what about mines, i have to declare the action before measure the range, and if the mines is out of range what happens?