I always use the infiltrating panzerfaust profile. 1-3 of them. Gives me more chances to roll a successful infiltration while providing them a...
This may be a problem more generally.... but considering the product they are packaged in I feel like it works in this case. The Shasvastii player...
Prone and Targeted are just both generally states that will not require a massive amount of use. As for the second... if you will forgive my...
If you are short on terrain there are plenty of free files online for things that make for great scatter terrain. Garbage bins, park benches,...
LI and TW are pretty easy to build for in HB with all the nifty Asawira Wildcards we have now... As for how good that ends up being... I have no...
Speaking in terms of balance... and with this only being a problem with the super customizable link team of crazy points efficiency that is the...
A v2 would be cool. I want the mini either way.
Ah well, not an Akbar doctor. Great price point though. Now we wait to see if the Nasmat is a special one and which sectorials (if any) he will be in.
The Defiance characters so far do not really stray from their faction identities. Try not to think about what Defiance can do for Infinity and...
Oh hey, it is the exact same coat. Even has the same draw strings. The piece underneath still seems different to me. Either way, as a character,...
I suspect that in the case of Tactical Awareness, people will just use the added order efficiency to better run for objectives. Lt.L2 may be the...
I particularly enjoy that this mini would represent any of the likely multiple loadouts. Edit: Oh hey, called it on the medjector!
Thought so at first too. But it's a totally different coat and he is wearing Ghulam armour.
Haha, I'm quite aware of the way opinions propagate over the internet. It shouldn't be too long now. We already got the ALEPH character's stats.
Nah, doesn't need to be busted, just needs to be different. Another Akbar doc without having to pay an HI premium (41 points!) would be nice. He...
I don't disagree with your overall point but I feel like the only connection Janissaries now have to slavery is that many of them were rescued...
This is a Haqqislam positivity thread. You can go ahead Fiday any other faction to your heart's content!
Quite interesting to think that the choice of not traveling at that time would be what got you killed in that case.
How was the F-16 after that?
Wildfire has this for the nanoscreen in token form at least: