I just wish I could take them in Vanilla.
The Light Flame Thrower one? Ya, pretty much. It does have grenades and BTS 3 though, whatever that's worth to you... The Heavy one at least has a...
They could always take it at a different angle and buff Engineers. Something like dropping the WIP roll for clearing status effects like Imm-1 and...
As for Canada, I'm pretty sure Lion Rampant is closed.
<3 Koni
Amazing work! I love the arm band!
Eclipse grenades become ubiquitous and completely replace regular smoke grenades after the time jump due to cheaper production?
Hmm... You would probably need to setup a virtual machine on your computer to run the other instance of the game. I feel like it would be easier...
I'm still frothing at the mouth waiting for Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord to come out.
-Fully paint and base at least one full list for Vanilla Haqq. -Get started on one of my secondary armies.
Always fun walking through the Infinity aisle in Meeplemart.
You could have a discord/group chat open for the tournament where a table can call for a judge. Judge can connect to the game in question to take...
Nahabs are the queens of flexibility. They are quickly becoming my favourite Haqq unit.
Infinity's proxy rules are extremely liberal. You can just use Ghulams as Fusiliers and Janissaries as ORCs, ect... This isn't a very big problem...
Nomads vs Haqq vs Ariadna. Three way conflict! (I may be playing a bit too much Planetside 2 lately) But seriously, my vote is Haqq vs Nomads as...
True... But with the new variability of abilities we might get Doctor (+6)!
That reminds me... I hope we get more Akbar Doctors in N4...
B2 at +6 within 8, or having a +6 option in ARO isn't completely pointless in my mind. The cost might have to go down a bit though.
I seriously doubt it, but it's possible.
I personally hate counting inches and half inches in cases where I have partial movement rough rough terrain and open ground. I love the way Kings...