I prefer not to. I enjoy working within the limited structure intended for the faction I am playing. I also find it opens up major shifts in...
It would be interesting to see a rule similar to FTO that specifically handled being a Wildcard or not. For example, you could have Tai Sheng...
Just keep in mind that the +1 burst does not apply in ARO. So, as far as ARO Sniper duty goes, Knauf is only improved by the MSV1 changes.
Heh... Haqqtion pack.
Couldn't you drop smoke, engage and then work on the scenario?
The Muyib bump to BS 13 was quite interesting. The Spitfire and HRL profiles are "locked" behind paying for Tactical Awareness though which......
I've been using them mostly as ARO pieces so I'll probably not miss this as much as you, but we'll see now that they can just deploy on my side of...
In my mind I place heavy emphasis on the word Nomads. They are the serious side of Nomads. Perhaps a relatively low bar there, no?
Al Fasid is also missing it for some reason. I assume it is just a bug or oversight.
The Barid seems just straight better than the Ghulam hacker to me. For only one point you get the pitcher, 3 BTS and an extra BS if you need it....
And if that is the case, I'm alright with it but still find the points discount the Daylami received to be odd. It still seems strange to me to...
Going from N3 > N4 there seems to be some interesting consequences to the changes to Infiltration. It seems the formerly "superior...
Lately I've been thinking about using terrain that does impact movement but does not provide cover. Chain linked fences or gates for example. I...
Kaplan Tactical Services member.
May not meet your goggles or other headwear criteria but is pretty cool none the less. [IMG] Source:...
I've only ever really Assaulted with Asawira who failed to take down a target within 8" with their spitfire. Even then I usually only went for it...
I think at least the jumping portion is logical within the abstraction of the game. Just because the silhouette is peeking out it doesn't...
Yeah, I think Yara + Muyib LGL is going to be great as long as the Muyib keeps smoke. I don't think I'll ever be leaving home without that pair...
Ya, unless you go for the 10 point Boarding Shotgun profile. I'm glad they went with the profile equipment shuffle I suggested a while back.
HB get's to join the Fireteam Salad bar.