Losing unique Drop Bears is a little less heavy than losing 20 profiles, admittedly. :wink:
We have a few profiles "locked in", but mostly we're getting the database in order, and watching the poll. I really don't want to go too crazy...
I mean, I'll take her. She's much better than previously. So, thanks! But Killer Hackers are one of these things like Mimetism that are easy to...
She's still 3 points over. She's still priced for an Assault Pistol. Meanwhile Aragato Combi + Light Shotgun is -2 points, elsewhere Combi +...
Poll is up! Cast your votes and suggestions here for the unofficial sectorials. I expect it will take us about a month or more to complete the...
If you cannot even tolerate your own countrymen, who the hell are you to lecture us about tolerating foreigners and foreign ideologies?...
I'm talking Neema and the beasts more than Sepulchre, but yes Yeah the Sepulcre's main problem is bad gun options, not bad CC. It's not Montesa-...
The Sepulcre is not amazing CC but it's at Tohaa tier, which works for me and most of their Tohaa players. It's just uncrappy enough to be...
My friendly Turkish WarCor insider says "prepare to take her more often". So... something. But she better keep the Sensor.
Pick one. Be a progressive crusader, or be tolerant. But you don't get to preach tolerance and also force your views. Sorry. Note that even...
Imagine a combination Mobile Brigada Hacker + Kanren. You could make the profile quite nice by not being a CB Panophobe and giving it: SEPULCHRE...
A plain old Hacking Device Sepulchre would be quite a useful toolbox.
[IMG] Cheerleader PSO Corps Regular, Not Impetuous, LI MOV4-4 CC14 BS11 PH10 WIP12 ARM0 BTS0 W1 S2 AVA2 Equipment: - Special Skills:...
Tohaa for the past year (and for the next year). [IMG] Legit miss Kanluwen.
Haha which is it, Cothel? Sakiel Box or Big Chaksa?
We can make that happen.
Corvus Belli statdumped Charisma for a high Intelligence game artificer build. Diplomacy wasn't even a class skill. They're not the party face...