I would do Kaauri as a Unidrons, and Chaksas as Hungries (for G: Sync) or Ikadrons (for Auxiliars). You could also do Nexus as Chaksas, since they...
I disagree. I think both Ariadna and Tohaa should have more hackable stuff. It should be hard not to include hackable stuff. Having bad hacking...
YMMV, then. I used to make regular use of Clipsos Snipers a couple years ago. Main reason I stopped is because I stopped relying on Clipsos....
This is semantics. You know what he means. Yes, you can eject from ES1 or ES2 TAGs, or detach from Symbiont Armor, "dismounting", but you can't...
I'm not particularly superstitious, but everyone noticed in my former group that people with painted armies rolled better against people with...
New players don't even reach for PanO specifically, anyway. There are always newbies jumping straight into JSA and Onyx and ALEPH. Granted,...
Never messed with Gorgos B. If I'm wasting points on a Gorgos, I want the most tools on it, so I always take A. Yes, the Gorgos can shoot and...
The trick for Kamael Snipers is to not put them all in the same triad. Since you can mix & match triads, it's wise to space your triads so that...
Ariadna has more WIP12 units than us, anyway.
And I'm sure Haqq would be grateful to have the Black Friar MULTI Sniper. That doesn't mean you want to use it. The excuse for why PanO does not...
I would not be jealous. The Hakim is certain to be quite popular...as a proxy. People will take the SMG occasionally, but not often when: It's...
I rarely see AD. Seldom 1, never more than 2. There are far more bad AD units than good ones. Most factions are facing choices like Akal vs...
For Frontline I recommend starting with 3 Baggage Chaksas and at least 2 SWC spent. Your list would do okay, as long as no order suppliers to...
My guess is that they will have an AD2 loadout, not in the parent profile. CB has to know by now that AD is not a popular skill.
I should say, I'm presuming MI, no AD, and no Nasmat for that guess. CB doesn't like their formula being posted so I won't do that here. But you...
@Icchan here you go, sorry I didn't get to it sooner: Szalamandra firing Burst Mode [IMG] And here's some unbased Xeodrons: [IMG]
@emperorsaistone only 22-24 points for the SMG, MSV1 pricing is inconsistent, but it should be pretty affordable. No BS13? Maybe not. But the...
My guess: Regular, Not Impetuous CC14 BS13 PH11 WIP15 ARM3 BTS0 W1 S2 AVA2 Equipment: Multispectral Visor L1 Special Skills: Doctor...
Those look pretty okay, man. Recommendations I have for you are that one side must be clearly better than the other (the official guidelines ask...