If there were to be a PanO-unique SWC-free gun, like Tohaa's Viral Combi, Ariadna's Ojotnik and T2 Rifle, or Combined Army's Plasma Carbine, what...
You could fix several problems with Tohaa balance and choice gaps with these rerules: • Symbiomates block a hit, not all hits, in a single...
May I say, I would like a "I love Tohaa, but I agree they're imbalanced." That has been my opinion strongly since the new Human Sphere.
Taqeul sucks. Sakiel box nao!
Except we know as much from PsychoticStorm that costs/SWC are hand-entered. So, there just mustn't be enough payroll to CTRL+F the updates.
Well, you got the S right.
Sadly enough, (some) other factions are better at shooting, by the odds, because they have smoke.
Let's guess the Ratnik profile: FULL-POWER MOV4-4 CC17 BS14 PH13 WIP13 ARM6 BTS3 W1 S5 Heavyweight • Full-Auto L1 • V: Courage • Lo-Tech...
I don't by any excuses here. Army uses JQuery, so they use a Database. Here's how easy it is to use a database: [IMG] You press Ctrl+F. You...
We a Bolt fireteam n sheeeit. Looks like a seriously good profile, good job CB. Can't wait for the new Combi+Light Shotgun Medium Infantry in...
My guess is Puppetbots "lo-tech".
"Rack" your brain all you want, I will keep my sanity and good judgment.
Drop Bears aren't on Locust and Black Friar? MULTI Rifle Nanopulser Drop Bears Black Friar alone should tie him in cost with MULTI Sniper Black...
The breaker combi varies in price (see Locust–or is it the Drop Bears that vary in price?), so it's not there that I would point: the Rifle +...
I was writing a longer reply explaining the CC cost, but, we should actually honor the "do not publish formula request." All that I ask is that...
As far as I can jot my memory, the goodies for Invincible Army were supposed to get: Another Mechanical Transmuation super-HI Airborne Heavy...
Yeah, no, I don't blame you. That's why I've been working on a mod project for Infinity for the past few months with some other guys. Got tired...
If they are, they are hand-rounded. Some things are certainly % based (Irregular vs Regular), other things (weapons, equipment, skills) are...
Then apply Occam's razor. What's more likely? That we are all too dim to understand the formula? Or that the formula is inconsistent? It must,...