So I believe this has been discussed in the past but my google-fu is lacking. When a trooper is picking a point to throw smoke, do they pick an...
anithematic of course can be the Lt. as well as the cutter.
the answer is that if the model only has a single cc weapon to have the minues to the weapon and not the profile is that panoplies exist in...
I am not confident you are allowed to declare a cc attack against an unconscious model that is not a coup de grace. But other than that, this...
I believe he was referring to failing 2 saves due to the da part, and then not going into unc due to shock. otherwise, you are correct :)
same, I hope ijw is okay. and my thoughts on this faq are that it is great but we needed some follow ups from him or others in charge to just...
Awesome, thought that was the case, but wasn't 100% certain. cheers
Based on the aro guide you posted earlier, wouldn't the aro choice be illegal as if there is total cover you cannot declare lof based things? Or...
This is extremely useful. Thank you. Sent a couple people who were uncertain in my meta this as this has the significant changes to the preemptive...
I think its allowed here and not in the impact template thread, because the shooting troopers when he declares bs attack first has to tell...
Going to second the 44x48 and everyone loses2 inches of deployment. It happens but is infrequent for being on the last 2 inches of deployment zone...
Thats the thing, if the 2 troopers are already in lof and I'm the reactive player shooting with a combi, and they are close to 8 inches with guard...
So two questions. The S in players under aro seems a bit light to explain that it isn't just the reactive player that gets to measure after the...
Ty for this! And, I am seeing the answer to be preferenced at you can dodge into a model recamoing and then the recamo model loses the camo state...
So the active model has either a camo or impersonation skill. The active model is not in LoF if any reactive model. The reactive player has a...
I am not confident that you can assign burst to models that you don't actively have lof to. Otherwise you could use first short skill to shoot 1...
If he came back with something important enough, he may just not allowed into alephs network. <personal conjecture, no lore backing it> He comes...
Wonderful, cheers man.
I was in the same believe as @colbrook where before it required uninterrupted line from target to blast focus to be in smoke. Perhaps an incorrect...
So say I don't wish to kill a target, but knock him unconscious or I have a flammenspear in a link and don't want to use all of the disposable...