It's not that fireteams or avatar are better. Just in my experience the avatar is more challenging for os to remove without creating a specific...
Avatar v Marut feels like a bad matchup for s few reasons. Firstly Marut just makes it a fair fight. Secondly avatar can bully everything but the...
Now you are just strawmanning. I have said on more than one occasion I'd be fine with them being looked at and even suggested what I'd change. To...
Well we are going around in circles. I don't agree with you. And that's fine, we don't agree. You seem hell-bent on nerfing SMG'S where as I'm...
Seems unreasonable to hurt things like airborne ranger. It's hardly setting the world on fire, in a faction that isn't either. If you think smg's...
I play my standard list. Full of hackable troops. Between maestro on danavas and khd Naga any hacker is likely to go down. and if it's a problem I...
Super heavy targets are a challenge for OS. But that's really things like avatar. Anything less than that os should mulch through. A charontid...
I won't harp on anymore than this. Are smg's undercosted? Absolutely Are they overpowered? Absolutely not. I'd hate for them to nerf them...
I'd love for us to get a big refresh where they go through profiles and the formula as a whole and look at that stuff, I'd also be ok with them...
You won't get an argument from me there. Alot of it comes down to when the army was released. And how they have changed how they do things for...
In the context of shas I think the Nox getting SMG hacker is more than reasonable. You are paying so many points across the board for average to...
@Hecaton I mostly agree with you that I'd rather they fix profiles then game their system with SMGS. But if given the choice between them doing...
Airborne ranger had it
For the record SMG used to be only AP and no one seemed to notice the weapon back then.
SMG is undercosted. It's used to discount profiles to fit a cost CB wants in the same way some skills are used to bloat a unit to fit a cost CB...
The reason I don't like to blame units or armies that are overpowered for me personally is simple. If I do it lets me off the hook for how the...
Copping flak or hearing a complaint about a unit once or twice is part and parcel of war gaming. But when it becomes consistent and overbearing I...
Then the margin between combis and rifles absolutely should be reworked. ( it also makes the zero to foxtrot pricing even more confusing) I...
I fully Respect that others may see value in the troop however :)
Cadmus is good because of its Interaction with decoy. Which I will absolutely agree is a unit that is worth its cost. However: (and I'll preface...