I passionately disagree. But we know it's changing, so I'm trying to find the least awful compromise.
So I have been firmly in the camp that crits are fine for the game. The build risk into the DNA of the game. There are so many amazing units that...
for the record my grossest panapoly pull was odd on my dragao. I was so excited I got it posessed the next order!
sure does. Dont worry about it. the likelihood of being crit to death is more likely than this. and being crit to death isnt that likely. A jotum...
Absolutely would be ok with something to this effect.
Also on link teams, honestly they are fine. Vanilla is crazy strong atm. There's alot of drawbacks to hauling a link around. The main one being...
Aro baiting is a blight on the game. When my opponent baits a change face (why does the non stealth option provide the best way to get into cc by...
its a hard question to answer without knowing what the basic changes of N4 will bring. If i were wishlisting for CA. These would be the things id...
Speculo conversion done. Pictures unfortunately don't seem to translate as well as I'd like. This is probably the happiest I have been painting a...
[ATTACH] It's not a combined army without (converted) Ikadrons
Just without the smell please
[ATTACH] I use these. 25mm sized.
Ubiquitous Mentor LT is now done. Enjoyed trying to do darker red on this model.[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
So first up is the core for most my Shas lists. Sheskiin and Nox! [ATTACH]
So the mission was looting and sabotaging, so dealing with his most likely unit to get my AC2 felt worth the sacrifice.
yeah like i said, I am not demanding/wishlisting that montessa gets eclipse. But i also was providing a suggestion to make it a useful unit. I...
The Bagh v Sapper sniper is tough. Bagh has more weaknesses with white noise/albedo existing. But the reliability of dealing with models with mods...
The msv1 felt huge for its ability to knock heavy mod targets down a peg. with msv1 and link bonuses from ssl2 and +3 bs it was resilient in ways...
I personally dont have significant issues with eclipse existing, The proliferation of it in tohaa i find a bit much but that has more to do with...
Honestly no, I never felt I was lacking anything. The only thing I may have considered was the GDA instead of the Montessa, However that was...