No, they arre immune to Total Control because they have the Immunity (POS) special skill. There is also the Avatar, that have the same skill....
Just wait... Maybe the Stigmata will be simply a Hacker (Carbonite +2 damage) and not a full Hacking Device...
If the target is inside ZoC, if the MadTrap can physically(*) reach it, it will. (*) the only exception is if the target is in a fully enclosed...
magnetic lock to belt? (kidding)
YanHuo PH13-6 = 7 vs ARM 5 / BTS 3 Xeodron PH13-6 = 7 vs ARM 5 / BTS 6 Still better rolling on PH
Moreover... a Speculative Attack must have an enemy declared as (Main) Target but doesn't need to be centered on him....
Well... You are welcome to use your ARM or BTS value instead of your PH.... You have to roll BELOW that value, so... :joy:
I think there is something wrong with the legs proportion. It seems to have the thigh-knee part way longer than the knee-ankle part... Great...
You can always deploy a Tian Gou holomasked as 3 Bronzes...
Bixie and Fiddler were ITS prizes. When their tournamen package was available (at season launch, maybe), the profile was added. RoadBot are still...
What about "in 4 weeks" as the model?
Silhouette Contact and Engaged State are two completely different concepts. When the enemy get healed, the Engaged State kicks in again, if the...
I stand corrected. As the rules + FAQs states now, the situation is different. The 1.3 FAQs...
Space to deploy tables Enough scenery elements to fill them A Tournament Code or (better)Tournament Kit from the store as basic prize (plus any...
Actually.... There is something you can do while "regular" jumping that way. Getting shot. :joy:
This is the way
As long as the movent respect the limitation imposed.... why not?
Just remember that it is ALL of the Sync but ONLY ONE of the Servant
That is premeasuring. You declare your movement route, you place your model, you check ZoC along the route.
Every FtF is calculated on its own. The one against Surprise Attack is a WIP-3 The other ones are WIP. Surprise Attack roll 11, the other roll 9,...