Just looking at the preview in the first post, there are some inconsistences between images and mission. The image in the HVT Espionage card is...
Super-Jumping Jack Flash it's a gas...
Morans, Zeros, Guilang, etc starts the game already at midtable, not in your DZ...
Stealth is involved here... Does the Camo Marker have Stealth? If the answer is YES and he doesn't break Stealth (declaring an attack, for...
I would prefer a "once a player spend his last order, the opponent can spend his last".
Maybe it is a bit harsh, but... WHO CARES??? Let's go on with the original proposal, it may end not balanced but it's something our group...
A ruleset of Epic had the same format. It was the best thing ever. But as stated it would require a full recost of A LOT of things and a complete...
English and Commas sometimes generate weird things (even to native speakers, we foreigner are utterly lost!)
They need to be DEPLOYABLE weapons or equipments. Mines, Koala, Panda, Parrots, MadTraps, Repeaters.
The only way to remove the REM DRIVER token is to place in a null state the Rem Racer / Asparas.
Then I think it should have been the first thing to say in your post...
TNX, i remembered something like that but brainfarted while looking for it!
Since the "Species" basis limitation has been lifted, it already lost a lot of the original flavour. I would go fully-streamline, it's way more...
Are there TAGs with Deployable Weapons/Equipments apart the Mine Dispenser (Maghariba and Raicho)? Am I missing something? Anyway, yes. A model...
I would go another way (and i say it as frequent IMP user) Remove the double layer of IMP1 The skill could become Impersonation (X) and be good...
I agree If the Classified rules where in the ITS document, i wouldn't buy an "art-only classified deck" too.
The deck is out of stock almost everywhere. It's just a way to make new players able to play without resorting to third party work.
I recently used the Anathematic in a tournament, it went pretty well. Nobody expect a S6 HI KHD ARM5/BTS6 Mimetism -6 and a Plasma Rifle to be...
It's just below [ATTACH] Decoy is a Deployment Skill, it's not a Deployable Weapon/Equipment or a Marker State, so it needs to be addressed...
If the 3 ZhanShi are inside the Smoke template, as described both by rules text and picture, the Fusilier cannot trace a LoF to any of them.