"Kenny, if you wouldnt sit with us there are a few people quite interested in your compamnionship if you look around." Samira esplains to Kenn.
"Kenny, that clothes fit perfectly in that size. Its not only about the color to fit it. I bet you wont need to sleep alone if you want it, with...
Samira adressing Father Pietro: "Ah i see Padre that you have alot of experience with this, so, what do you think would bethe most practical way...
Samira adressing the group: "So, does anyone have an idea or plan how we should investigate any further?"
Samira enters the Bar with Kenn and Igor behind her, she gives a greeting and looks for the niche with Saito and the other 2 members of the team....
Samira (slightly amused to Kenn) "That look suits you. It really catches your personality. Think of it in the way of a bit of camoflage and as...
Leaving Madame Clancys establishment, Samira stopped Kenn and Igor. Samira "vefore we do something else wen need really to do something about you...
"Thank you again, for your help, Madame and i think it is best we leave now to not further disturb your business." Samira adressed Madame Clancy...
Adressed at Madame Clancy: Wealth can be his own sort of prison, where people try to escape. But she had enough access to family founds to buy the...
Straight to business: Samira: "Thank you for greeting us personly, Madame. It may save us some time. Me and my colleague have been hired by...
Samira: "You dont need to b shy. They wont poison gueats, it would be bad publicity." Samira chuckles. "As you are the only one following my...
Samira stands looking at the menu oif the Izing Lounge and Gallery and trying to measure the customers, but most didnt seem out of the ordinary...
Samira isnt sure if she should frown or chuckle at the proposal of her new alien colleague. Sure he works for an detective agency but information...
After getting to her room, Samira changes her clorthes to something mor fitting the nomad mothership and heads out tho have a ight dinner at the...
Walking into the briefing room Samira got a first look of the team for this mission trying to keep har charms under control. At least three of...
"I think you are right Eddie, but we may run into other problems." "Those researchers are worth much to anyone. We should first leave the planet...
Seeing that expensive gift box Konrad starts muttering curses under his breath. Over the tacnet. "Guys i have found something, but there is no...
With Kenn distracting the townspeople it is easy to sneak to the entrance of Pedros appartment. Out of sight from the crowd, Konrad starts picking...
Konrad was ok with waiting, sitting for hours in the pilot seat of a shuttle craft teached him patience when he worked for his uncle. "I didnt...
While throwing some names around with Saito, Konrad types a short message to Dan Rein asking if had some information whats going on with the...