A Tomcat in the starter would allow them to do a support box style release for 2 other with the 2 Zondcats. Wildcats are the reason I started...
I'd seen some references to it, was starting to think it was some sort of in joke made by the people who could attend the seminar! So she's going...
New remotes is the most exciting thing they could have announced! Woo!
Thanks for the responses guys, that completely passed me by. Given how much shock there is in the game now (cheap SMGs everywhere, mines, multi...
Sorry for the newb question but what is the shock ruling? Does shock affect multi wound models now?
Posting the image in thread for the lazy[IMG]
They don't come with the tactics cards though which is more important than the character cards. You could have the character card on your phone or...
I wouldn't be surprised if she gets a tactics card that mitigates the penalty for being taken out.
These are amazing dude. Are the weapons 3D printed?
How about Kaauri as Puppets? With a head swap for something more robotic (tinbot heads? Grenzer heads?) they'd look good. Edit: the Zondnautica...
I hadn't factored in the AP, he brings something useful to link with that. I still think I'd rather run a cheaper link with a HMG, engineer, AP...
LGL + paramedic would probably be my go to. LGL gives you an extra vector of attack and the 5 man bonus helps make up for shitty BS, medic is a...
Love the Heckler, dat helmet! Need someone to cast a load for conversions. Jammer outside of Mutts is great too, I think it's going to be a very...
There's a resculpt of the Chasseur coming. The theory is they're discontinuing the current vanilla Ariadna starter so they're releasing this so...
I'm happy to finally get a couple of Haris options, it's helps make MRRF more viable in the current game where every sectorial is running round...
Ah, I didn't see the correction :) Just heard Bostria say on the White Noise podcast that Hexxer skin was in the works, exciting!
V said they were done with skins for the core set for now. I'd guess Senior Massacre to be next, he's an iconic Aristo.
Other than CC and WIP the Fiday doesn't have great stats and the profile with mines and smoke grenades is 31 points. CC14, PH12, WIP14, ARM3, BTS3...
A non CC focused Impersonator would be interesting, give them lots of disruptive equipment, emauler, mines, jammer type stuff. I'd run it.
I'd love for them to get as much attention as JSA just got. If that means they go NA2 so be it. But honestly just a couple of Haris and Duo...