Dog warriors are great but they're even better when they can AD and bring along a BS14 buddy! Just wait til later in the league, stick Mirage 5 in...
6th Sense is an amazing skill (as you should know from running Chasseurs) , but not on a warcor. They don't have enough options for it to be...
This fits my theory that the next book is going to be about the CA pushing into the Human Sphere, disrupting supply routes and generally...
The Palbot can't be synced with the Machinist if he's in a Fireteam. Not sure if he automatically connects with it if he leaves the fireteam....
Absolutely love those Aleph minis, they're incredible. The Aspara is super cool, the Rudras looks terrifyingly huge and Shakti looks badass. I'm...
Is the first mission just a kill mission? If so I'd take the first list with a couple of changes. Make a Metro your Lt and drop the paramedics...
I'm sorry my comment was so sarcastic, I just find stuff like saying "just use it as a Father Knight" the most asinine response to someone who's...
Did they add the Father Knight to Acon?
^this When a unit gets new profiles they seem to roll out the profiles across all factions that have that unit. See Druze, Anaconda, Deva......
Amazing! Thanks Koni. Some screengrabs of the Libertos dossier and profile for people who can't watch the video[IMG][IMG]
Couple of screengrabs. Carlos said Invincible are next year but are in the book. I took that to mean all the background is in the book but the...
In a game where Vet Kazaks have Wildcard and can join links with 10pt 0SWC FOs removing the SWC tax is surely a given. Right CB? Right?!!
I think if Toni returns it'll be when Acon does...
That's why I thought Rao would be a good Wildcard option. It gives some extra flexibility (he gives defensive Regular team a close range, b5 MSV1...
Lt profiles on TAGs would make CoC much more valuable. Lt Lvl 2 on TAGs would be even better, albeit unlikely
I'm just planning on getting into Acon before all the minis are gone, so this is all wishlisting based on playing with Army. No SWC tax on...
For the lore. Currently there's general stuff in the books but when they release new units and sectorials they add in specific lore about said...
Yep! Think this is our first proper sighting of one as a mini
Here's a screen shot with the preorder mini for reference [IMG]
CA are really going for the hearts and minds approach to war!