You just say. "Yeah he was my LT" if he goes dead. And then if he asks if u are in LoL u simply shake your head. Easy as that
Full Auto makes the Gamma a real nice offensive unit. I played several games with it and it sucked as ARO piece but really played nice when I...
Oh jesus, second time I failed my pledge. Here is what I've done so far. (I'm slowly learning to airbrush so this is a lot time consuming) I also...
I'm still eager to fight your Tohaa :) Nice paintjob!
Epsilon SMR in a dynamic pose <3 I'd love that!
Cyberghosts, Razors, and maybe another sculpt of Epsilons :)
Ah very nice! But man. Why'd have you take a different route on the orange/gold armor than me... Makes me jealous! :) Keep up the good work!
As I've said in the Livestream yesterday. Congratutalions on your succesful Kickstarter! Now can we please see the 2020 Januar preview :)?
Nice terrain!
Is that a Caskuda?
New Joan of Arc or Brawler LE?
Fantastic! Keep it going!
Corvus Belli store or any good friendly game store who sells Infinity
There are books. "Human Sphere N3" is a good start
O-12 is also in need of an update with the new Beyond Wildfire dossiers :)
[IMG] Need to repledge because I got interrupted by a spooky oktober challenge :)
Feeling the same way. Can't buy it and I don't want it besides O-12 and Shinobu. Well... drinking tee and waiting and hoping it is! :)
Nice and colorful minis :) More please!
Hello everyone, basically I want to know if someone knows some cool scenery items available and fitting for Infinity. I know of a couple of...