But in Mine's rules written: "Once a Mine triggers, it is removed from play" - not "Once a Mine triggers, it is removed from play immidietly"....
Can i declare bs attack with template in a triggered: 1. Mine 2. Previously discovered mine 3. Drop bear 4. Crazy Koala In the rules of mines...
Thx, but Why does the DUO rule state the sufficiency of the skill / equipment / program in this case? Why isn't it described like...
Hi. The Annexn4 rules say that to create a DUO, in addition to having a unit in the Sect. Army List, it is enough to have a Special Skill or...
that's why my question arose. Camouflage discovering is considered decoy discovering or not: 1. discovering the camo marker - the decoy remains on...
Hi! I would like to clarify - when unit discovers the decoy in camo marker, does the discover only affect the camo marker, or is the decoy marker...
Sphinx WIP. Jaguar's head will be in right hand
Hi! Berserk has a CC special skill Label. The "effect" says that this skill is a Move + CC Attack Isn't that enough to use it in a Enaged state or...