Yes, the 4-4 move of the Scot Guard gives me a lot of faith to play them even offensively (with molotok, AP marksman rifle and the pair of double...
Con N4 y sus actualizaciones en ciernes, creo que es el momento de que nosotros, los Caledonios retomemos este hilo y que esperemos a ver cuanto... Caledonian Highlander Army...
Something like this I had imagined for Ariadna's first TAG, a Dog-Warrior in Mormaer armor, with an armor that would not envy the Jotum but...
I quite agree with you in fact something like that I had imagined it would be, in private areas of my gaming community I had already commented...
Yes, it really sounds logical, why stick with a lower version? But ... couldn't that apply to the Ratnik? I know maybe it is giving too much...
I quite agree with you, comrade, however as Caledonio this brings me mixed feelings, it is quite CHA but ... it is not CHA, it lacks that ......
I agree, although the poor Tohaa first need to get out of the decay well, As for Aleph, "everything" is in its sector and I can't think of what...
I think that is why in Kosmoflot there are so many Scot and Merovingian troops, the Scot Guard is the troop directly linked to the Justicar (the...
Yes, Frontovik engineer its powerfull for due with Kosmosoldat, cant protec for hacking attacs but can help with the effects of that hacking
and... Kosmosoldat? Visor L1, autocannon "2" wounds, more ARM
Is Kosmosoldat an a evolve to Ratnik? Ratnik its Armata 2 and Kosmosoldat Armata 4 I rly like a Kosmosoldat but...yes its and expensive veteran...
Well... Kosmoflot bring us an hackeble S2 HQ with AP HMG B5... Space Wulver...and Space Scout...Cateran...Wallace...Mirage 5...
My predict for Starmada: PSI-Corps basic unit (AVA total) fireteam special PSI-Corps + Ëpsilon Haris and core for Crushers Catherine wildcard...
No hay de que! Todo lo que tenga que ver con Caledonia me interesa, me inicié ya hará con Caledonia y hasta hace relativamente poco solo jugaba...
McMurrogh ya tiene berserker además de artes marciales...así que no sería tan descabellado que los Cameronian tuviesen berserker Los Scot...
Uxía... la mejor tiradora de la esfera humana... con CD11 XDD Ahora ya puestos en el tema si es cierto que a Caledonia le hacen falta cambios más...
Aquí mi lista, creo yo que el combo Épsion + Varngo será un clásico en O-12, además de que el Cyberghost con el Omega puede hacer con el ruído...
Yo , un humilde Caledonio en principio abogaría por una supremacía pura y dura Ariadna, matalos a todos y que sus dioses los escojan entre ellos,...
Sin duda inserción limitada puede ser un dolor de culo, pero como Caledonio y si quiero divertirme un poco en este modo he ideado (aunque...