Yeah, I know it :) I try to do it as well, both in FPS and airsoft, but guess it's not that easy to pull off with milimetric precision in a real...
Pensaba que estaba leyendo un debate sobre si nuestro gobierno "rojo" de España lo está haciendo bien y o si el problema son los recortes de...
Besides the game-wise issues (both positive and negative), and although I do usually play by intent with some friends, I feel the game loses some...
If I understand it right, when having the option to pre-measure movement, intent just saves time. So why do they need to rule it? And it's not...
It's rather interesting to know CB is, like, the 3rd most relevant miniature maker worldwide when there are so many people that could obviously be...
Yeah... really disappointing one there. Having a delta in Wildfire, Cuervo in Beyond, and another 2 deltas in Defiance makes them too many....
Maybe, for N4, remaining command tokens could also be lost with the lieutenant... That way there is some greater impact to command & control but...
Great app! Nice design and easy to use. I have a little suggestion: show the number of units, or the number of orders, that have already been...
If killing on failure is removed, maybe different effects may be applied for "good" docs vs "bad" docs, to compensate for the relative higher...
Tambien es posible que la movilidad juegue un papel más importante en N4 y que la división de habilidades (despliegue oculto sin marcador, etc)...
IMO, and summarizing maybe a bit too much, I feel the most viable "fix" is more in the lines of reducing combat groups to 5/6 troops and give...
Como ya se viene diciendo, parece que al Boyg le falta algo que quizás llegue en N4. Esperemos que sea así y se convierta en una tropa realmente...
Not really getting into the jammer discussion, but I'd like to point out that, in any "technical" job that implies interaction of more than, let's...
La chavala es médico, y parece ser que se está girando con sorpresa y preocupación al escuchar a un ORCo llorar porque se ha torcido el tobillo....
Bien guapo el nuevo ingeniero Panoco, y sin chepa. Aunque con lo bien que están los Monstruckers, y ahora el Karhu, que poco apetece meter un...
La verdad es que no se de que nos quejamos, con lo bien que han quedado Ordenes Militares... digooooooo, espera un momento... esto no es OM?...
Fresh N4 news, guys: Escalate-Plus: This Special Skill alters the user's Escalate Skill from an Entire Order Skill to a Short Movement Skill....
Respecto al Locust, quitando el lastre del CC20 (que creo que se lo ponen como el único modo de "defenderse" de infiltrados melee en NCA), a mi...
Buen análisis, coincido bastante en todo lo que comentas. Aunque salen listas chulas y creo que aciertan manteniendo un sectorial fiel al rollo...
Now you may have blown up this thread... No one feeling insulted yet?