Well, Joan with her Inspiring Leadership is the only "reason" to deny a cheaper CoC in MO, if you ask me. I guess they don't want to allow taking...
Hey at least they realized Crusader Brethren didn't have a place and removed them from Army...
I'm still hoping for another hmg option out of hosp/tag, but I guess chances are low. Maybe new koths... Teutons seem like another lost chance...
An unexpected menace is awakening...
So, if we can trust any of the leaked N4 profiles, it seems Nyokas and Psicops are "premium LI" with a few special perks/equipment, which adds (in...
The ISS has eyes everywhere... Glad I started collecting O12 and can now steamroll everyone without a sweat. That's what we all want, isn't it?
Man that would be like IA without tiger soldiers :joy::joy::joy:
Save for Bronze+Beta Core in Starmada
Love them all! That razor is sweet
Now that FT rules will be written apart from main rules, maybe they take a further look at the crazy powercreep of the Wildcards. My hope or...
I really hate the Mostrucker. With those boots and both weapons on his hands he looks out of proportion. Mario looks way better. And the worst...
Proudly turning new players off the game since 2005. Because we care.
Basically, yes, Burst is king also in N3 and probably N4. Of course, best when adding your own MODs/negating your enemy's. This is because its...
What profile would you like to see for the new koths?
Que no nos guste a unos cuantos no quiere decir que no le guste a la mayoría del público potencial del juego, ni que se carguen el lore. Mi...
Son guardianes del santo sepulcro. El truco del holoeco para que parezca que hay más vigilancia ya no cuela, y la puerta de acceso es de S5. Con...
Fireteams in Vanilla? Did I miss something? As much as I would like it, I haven't heard anything like this, so I guess my tapas kappas will be...
No worries, we're getting cheap CoC for MO and it will be usable in Vanilla. Trolololololololololol.
So no more Holoprojector I guess. Anyway it seems it will be a bigger rework for MO than the one many of us expected. Aaaaand most importantly:...
Hey I'd buy this without a doubt, specially if Fusiliers and Auxilias keep their Lt options or gain CoC. But I don't see OS going away anytime soon...