my bad
Because it might be fun and interesting, and afford them a creative way to implement rules in a way we haven't seen yet. I bet you're a riot at...
Edit: Nothing is S6 or S7 in Haqqislam, to cover both light and heavy TAGs. I guess I was assuming it'd be a light TAG.
One could say that a faction of secret assassins do not need a giant stompy robot, but I'd say why did you get such a party pooper? What would you...
Ah. I mean, that's fair, it's their art and they're free to do what they like with it. Having full res stuff just helps me to do recolors and come...
I know that there are compendiums of dossier art that are on the old forums as well as, I use them a lot, but there a several...
JSA unfortunately, I'm waiting for my heavy armored AD samurai. Also Caledonia
[IMG] What's going on with this guy's shoulderpads? Why do they look like they're covered in plastic?
Clearly I don't know russian lol That's fine, I just thought it was a cool idea
This is one of the coolest ideas I've heard yet. A Dogface completely up-armored in Tesium. PH 16, ARM 5-6, Total Immunity, other goodies. Kazak...
...Where? [IMG] Are you talking about these ones from 2013? [IMG] The Volunteers are also from 2013, but those got a resculpted swc box, I...
My insides
Thank you guys for the input btw, I can always count on the forums to get to the bottom of a rules question. You doods rule.
Okay, so it's not usable because you're making a BS Attack called Speculative Fire, and the BS Attack that Speculative Fire calls to invoke is...
Where is it invalidated?
So I've asked this on Facebook and now I'm even more confused. The post recently made here in the spanish side of the forum asking if Speculative...
Still working on Tunguska, not too happy with it yet, not sure if the colors are going to work for me but I'm trying to get it to. [IMG] [IMG]