More or less these profiles are in qapu. Ramah and qapu are quite similar which makes me think that there are no differences insite haqqislam and...
Every time I play ramah I am thinking that I can play ramah better in vanilla. I played vanilla/ramah these months, when I play vanilla I feel the...
I think this list is only for IL or for some particular mission as much. Would change the doctor for hmg and go with hakim/tuareg or ghulam for...
Thinking the same here. My opinion is that ramah isn't a tested army they put some new profiles and make logic and fast core and haris. (like......
there's not point about barid hacker and chain command. Farzan chain command get it out of there and spend the points in kameelx2 + fanous or...
Hola, yo te hablo en tema torneos: Lo que hago yo usualmente es hacerme una lista para aliens y otra para humanos sobretodo si voy con...
But you have to think about other automedikit troops like speculo killers I dont want to kill one with and ARO and then she wake up without...
- Mukhtar are THE hunters in this sectorial: the only good in the sectorial - There might be a place for Al Fasid... Which hasn't been found yet:...
Its all true they are pretty useless I only try the haris cause I play leila + tariq + zhayedan (haris) it's the only way to play them the rest of...
La cosa esque el haris que comentas te cuesta 1/3 de lista y te falta un punta de lanza, especialistas, medicos etc... con lo que tu me estas...
Primero quiero agradecer la salida y renovacion de los sectoriales haqqislamitas estan genial. Por otra parte y tal como indica el titulo quiero...
El de cadena de mando el generico no creo que se use teniendo el farzan, en ramah seguramente si. El observador como opcion dentro de un...
First of all I want to speak about kasym beg why isnt he natural born warrior. Carmen is so i dont understand this. Second maybe carmen goes...
Como cuando cojes un ayyar y un muyib y les enseñas hacer la fusion
Wow they are awesome. I take a look at MK12 kawarij but I only see the red veil Zhayedan... so funny however I wanna play them right now!
We are happy for that mk12 profile and HRL too. I hope that mk12 profile get insite vanilla too. Lets see whats coming in a couple of months I...
@xagroth puedes apurar, creo entender que el civil sincronizado puede estar en la zona de control de la tropa sino voy equivocado por lo tanto...
A: una tropa en estado suplantada se puede quedar en fuego de supresion? sin revelarse, por lo que me estas diciendo? (duda) C: creo que los...
I think that i dont explain myself very well. first of all i want to say that i'm not talking about community in my answers, that's another point...
@oldGregg we are the only faction without shooters. the problem is that haqqi players dont complain at all, other factions are getting or had...