You select the best sectorial, it seems that hassassin is far away from ramah and vanilla right now. Playing ramah feels week to me, just some...
@Urobros estoy bastante de acuerdo con lo que comentas. Estoy contigo con lo de los muttas, a mi padecer se han pasado, es bien cierto que en N3...
Por mi parte, pienso que solo le han dado cariño a hassassin la verdad genérico y ramah se han quedado bastante por detrás de haqqislam y del...
I saw a good profile but with bad weapons. Shujae maybe needs minelayer (mines and E/mauler) and the AP rifle change it for AP spitfrie or just a...
what are they waiting then, give us give us, need to see that acid djabel.
There were so many problems N3 with RTF. First of all we could only trust our list to crit tariq or kawarij spitfrie, this was the Core the haris...
Alfasid are still buged 45 and 53 points.
I think that the new N4 rules 15 model cap are destroying factions like ariadna and haqqislam that got so many irregular troops. Now if you start...
Well its a very expensive tool box that can't do his job. For the same points or similar we got the jenizar HMG that now got BS 14 and the Smoke...
Just go a full 5 men core
There's no sense about that 6 points for 1 daylami and 6 points for 1 daylami anywhere. Is this a joke??
Well you need to run 3 irregulars man to do the trick so... if you play 13 o 15 regular your opponent will see the trick and you pay 40 points for...
the deal in the profile was missions like armory, ayyar can take the place all alone, but now Asawira linkable with anything can do it better and...
Same here but not using the Visor because we can run a muktar for 36 points instead 38 -_-' Better don't talk about tariqs dead TT When they...
in this days they want you to use the Hassassin tag, instead of reworking the alfasid. Just go to CA and see SOGARAT for 3 more points its just...
Es posible que ni se percatasen de esta interacción, como el Zeyedan de N3 que te disparaba fusil breaker + shcok es decir PB+Bli de salvación.
I think is the only way to play haqqislam in N4 with 2 or 3 fidays. The rest of the list is what you want.
And there's more, at least this isn't a bug kawaris are only linkable with themselfs or wildcards
Yeah it's a fault that your enemy leave something that kawari could kill in CC, is that what you mean?
In my opinion things that need a cost points reductions are: - Al fasid. the point here is that he was bad, but now is unplayable no cost...