Well Nomads, Aleph, O-12, CA all pay for those extra abilities as their bots are 16 points. Haqq is an enigma with their cheapest costing 14...
I wouldn't say they are great, they were already being taken in lists. I'll take it since I play Nomads but I would would have preferred the Total...
Morans have had Repeaters since N3. They don't need to be removed, they just need to be more expensive.
@karush you're really trying to die on this hill aren't you?
Yes, especially with an E/M CC Weapon, it seems a little too strong.
Diggers are no longer Wildcards in Corregidor?
Yes my worry with Agema gaining MSV2 and Hidden Deployment is that there will be a series of NPE for some games.
I Don't be silly, no one is going to walk their fireteam out in front of a MSV2 Missile Launcher that they know is on the table.
This is why multiple factions have access to smoke.
I think it's worth trying them out. I have played Tunguska for a few months recently and the MBH have actually been really great for helping them...
No People don't complain about Shaolin because they are not a problem that is hard to deal with. Taiga are.
No, instead of smoke they get to dodge 4" around corners on 16s and then Beserk 12" and take out models many times their cost with nothing the...
Pretty sure that award goes to O-12.
It changed to 3 when the fireteam rules were updated.
Incorrect. They were available in Tunguska before the update.
Whiners love to whine
Impersonation state also means your opponent cannot make Intuitive attacks against your model.
#makejammersgoodagain On a more serious note, I like the idea of generating orders at the start of each game round rather than at the start of...
Not sure what you mean about Kusunagi here, she has both LT and non-LT profiles so you can push with her if you want to. I'm quite happy with the...
3 x UFK seems fun not sure if it's viable, as they all want orders. Also just watch some people whine when they see it across the table.