What I’d love to see is Achilles V1 to be restored to his former glory. The Spitfire used to be the greatest gun in the game, and is now...
My wishlist goes like this : Dumb it down : complexity shouldn’t be a goal in itself. Something like CC doesn’t need three different tables, but...
A speculos purpose is to rattle you, don’t let yourself be rattled, kill it, move on and concentrate on the objectives. Remember, even lowly line...
Thinking of when I’d use her..? Probably after taking Eudoros because of his longer range gun, and I rarely take Eudoros in the first place. And...
Posthumans are an auto-include in vanilla Aleph. MK1+MK2 (+ MK4 or MK5 FO). As the @Cartographer says, the best thing to do with Infinity is to...
‘Unethical’? Right up there with petting cute kittens and helping little old ladies across the road :D
In general, I do not believe, that adding strong models to fireteams is a great idea. Fireteams are a fun way of giving line infantry a viable...
No, you can choose to use any level of Holo.
How about something like this : https://assets.infinitythegame.net/infinityarmy/img/logos/logo_703.svg...
That aside. There really is no reason to use the fireteam skill. Achilles and Patroclus are perfectly fine on their own. And in Steel Phalanx...
The problem is : You’re paying 130 points for what 75 pts could accomplish. The charade isn’t worth much as a defensive measure to Achilles, as...
A great Aleph secondary combat group is a posthuman + net rods. You’ve got great specialists, who can always use orders to get into position and...
Patroclus/Spitfire is a GREAT model, who has won me many a game, particularly in tandem with Achilles. I don't emphasise the shell game that...
There is little point in reviving unconscious models (particularly cheerleaders), unless you really have nothing else to spend the orders on. At...
Nope, the tactical gods are the sectorial players, who win despite their handicap.
Paper tactic = tactic, that beats rock.
Try reformatting the list to make it readable.
Intel? You mean the spec-OPS?
It becomes very hit or miss, as sectorial players rely on their Fireteam - the rock - to win the day so its all up to the opponent to decide the...