You're right. Both the Desperados and Yuan Yuans were my MVPs, alongside my always reliable ninja (he cc'ed 3 tags, in 3 different games, and even...
Simple question: can a TO troop be deployed as a cammo token? Thanks!
I use Major Lune for the sniper, and for the others I use a kanren, scarface and an Irmandinho. They are all diferent enough to make me feel the...
Lol, your list is pretty funny for HP! I might give it a go!
Hello fellow Ikari company lieutnants! Next month I'm going to an ITS with our beloved Ikari, and one of the missions is Hunting Party. Now, in...
My 2 favorites links in Ikari are the 3 keisotsu + brawler msv2 sniper + tanko ML, and harris wu ming hmg + wu ming harris (with the chain rifle)...
One of the harris team must have the "Fireteam: Harris" skill. So, yes, the 2 wu mings + brawler harris is a valid option.
Hello! First time here. This thread is awesome! Here's my Daiyokai conversion. I'm currently painting the mini, more pics soon!