You are the only person I've ever played who has disclosed this. I thought it was hilarious, but very good sportsmanship. I guess most other...
I've had some pretty good success with my Feuerbach Gamma, but primarily use it for it's ability to shut down a patch of the board in the reactive...
Bs 11 moderator with msv1, bio immunity, akrylat kanone, chain colt, multi terrain.
If Aleph had spent more time fighting combined army at gallery maze and less time attacking the Nomads, perhaps the combined army wouldn't have...
We should make a nomad yu Jing alliance next year. Nomads is by far the best group to be in. What they lack in hitting power and all the above,...
I can't speak for the rest of them, but I've been in the top 5 for Nomads the last few campaigns and have switch this year for a couple of...
<Back IC> @Lady Numiria if the mods come back with a no, I don't think @Cabaray is the person in the wrong. It was O12's leadership who opened the...
[OOC] Don't lump us all in this group. I am O12 and I also this is gaming the system and will have dumb outcomes both IC and OOC for us, because a...
Would Haqq like the oversite of some O12 in this operation. Perhaps we should send over a few commanders to join your ranks to ensure there are no...
The Ariadna commanders who are now a part of O12 command would like to advise that Haqqislam have provided no evidence of any infiltration within...
I've seen the same question asked. Would be good to have a ruling. This may be crazy koala heaven (or hell depending on your faction)
O12 are working on it . Give us some time, we're a new faction.
I think a free defence bonus to tags undermines the fact that hackers should be a counter to aTAG. Perhaps a bonus supportware program on DHD...
It is hard to 'do something wild' without a few heavy hitters, a good community of active players and a decent sized player base, which...
I agree. The core of the game is why I left other games to play this one. New editions bringing big changes have killed interest in other games...
I would like to see: More incentive to play smaller more elite lists rather than more orders being so essential. More reason to play the full...
I've always viewed CC in terms of bringing a knife to a gun fight: generally a soldier should be better with his gun. I like the high CC values...
I've always thought the smoke/msv mechanic was a bit counter intuitive: - I can't see you through the smoke so I ARO at -6 - the...
This might be the most quoted post today. 20 points for 1 order is not really a weakness. Comparing to my other faction, 23 points buys a...
Do you think that Aleph is OP vs other factions because of these models or just they are too powerful in comparison to other Aleph choices? I...