Servant 23:30]BTSherman "I won't read": Cuz it's the tag doing it through the peripheral. Might be wrong there since these things have their own...
In the latest podcast from Winged Hussar Publishing, Craig Gallant announced a sequel to his infinity novel: Team Zell....
Winged Hussar Publishing has made a podcast of one of its infinity authors. Episode 12: Craig Gallant Interview Part 1 [MEDIA] Annouced a new...
The swiss gaming podcast has made a 4-hour comparative video. Swiss Miss Podcast N5 Hot Takes [MEDIA]
That's the discord problem.
Panorama of armies By Burlesford, from reddit :...
Diorama By funwa, from discord : [IMG] [SPOILER] Library...
By Fuwa from discord. Hovercraft like infinity N1/2 [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Conversion fast panda [IMG] Other [IMG]...
Cosplays cyberpunk by キツネツキ @AzureFox13 Post: [IMG] [SPOILER]...
Cosplays cyberpunk by sci_techs_japan Post:
Cosplays cyberpunk Par sci_techs_japan Poste :
Cosplays cyberpunk by sci_techs_japan Post: [IMG] [SPOILER] Pinterest library: Cyberpunk,...
Xmas 2077 - Cyberpunk 2077 is real [MEDIA] CheeseTiklabangBurger special evangelion [MEDIA]
There is a video debat on the serie between Jay Oliveira and Gutier. Case Study INFINITY, del juego de mesa a la pantalla. WEIRD MARKET 2024...
Here's a pdf index with two english help sheets for the Infinity N5 edition rules. Version 20241229, by Florian Hanke, updated by Justin Sigmund,...
Infinity N5 Update: Major Gameplay Changes Explained! [MEDIA]
Episode 131 - Abandon All Hope Ye Who N5 Here Join Nick, Jacob and Tristan as they introduce important rules and equipment changes in the new N5...
Here's a topic to list and discuss the changes between version N4 and version N5. [IMG] - Doc from reddit for list of changes...
CLIMB 17/12/24 [13:52] Ian James Wood: No it doesn't. A vertical surface is still 'a surface'. Q: Declaring climb. It used to in n4 afaik 17/12/24...
Here's a topic to index the questions & answers that take place on the discord that IJW does also known under the speudo of Ian James 007 Wood and...