Yeah, it's really irritating. I mean, there's five of the Mobile Brigada, but the Janissaires, who might be the most attractive five man heavy...
I want more female Morats. They look sooo cool. Also, would it be too much to ask for five janissaries in the same scale, so one could actually...
Several missions, Acquistion and Power Pack for example, wants you to be in base contact with an objective with a Datatracker at the end of the...
Hassassin Bahram is a bit of Ironman Mode, really. They're a good sectorial and all, but they're glass cannons, and have a critical lack of MSV2....
Don't you guys find the Assault hacker to be a liability? It seems almost always when I play, people have TO-cammoed killer hackers midfield. It...
I want to use the Tuaregs. The new models looks so good, especially the sniper girl. But I have such a hard time fitting them into most lists. In...
Most likely not, as there's no combat heels. ^_^ But, compared to almost all other non-lady Heavy Infantry models, it's a remarkably small and...
Good review! I agree with most of your conclusions, but I think you underestimate a few units. - The Hafza gets better the more skilled your...
Do you use Kaplans in vanilla Haqqislam? Would you? For me, they do seem to offer some things: - The only Burst 4 weapon in conjunction with...
What has always caused the confusion is this bullet point under "Stealth": "If the Movement of the trooper with Stealth ends in base to base...
A Hassassin Fiday in marker state is around a corner from a Shaolin Monk. Case #1: The Fiday spends its first short skill to go around the corner...
Scenario: A hunzakut, in cammo marker state, declares a Move short skill, and moves into base contact with an antenna. This makes him come into...
Can a Hunzakut, carrying Deployable Repeaters, be hacked, due to the Deployable Repeaters having the Comms Equipment trait? If so, what happens?
I just began trying to paint an Onyx Contact Force army. But I realized I have no idea what to do with the fleshy parts of the models, for example...
What if Maggies ECM simply covered the whole board? So she don't just protect herself from Guided ammo, but all her allies as well.
I have to confess, despite your good suggestions, I gave up. I felt the Govads were just so inferior to the Muyib and Ghulam links, that I just...
Question 1: Hassassin Ayyar has three holoechoes, 1, 2 and 3. 2 is the real Ayyar. Holoecho 1 is visible around a corner, 2 and 3 are not....
She's a decent main combat TAG. Nothing special, almost so generic that she's boring, to be honest. It's nice that there's a specialist inside...
well, I'm willing to proxy a bit. Hit me with your best Govad team composition!
So I wanna build a list for Capture & Protect using my latest painted models, which are these: Daylami w. shotgun (could also have a panzerfaust)...