Lets say I have an Anathematic in hidden deployment, so I chose not to make it my lieutenant. Instead, my Lieutenant is a Nexus hacker. If the...
it was a list made for the fun factor of course, but nevertheless, he is such a good player that he beat me soundly with it, despite losing 2...
This list actually won a 400 pts "Farwell to N3" tournament that was held in my province last Saturday:...
Bashi Bazouk with Combi Rifle and E/Mauler, or Bashi Bazouk with AP Rifle and two Breaker pistols, both 17 pts. They can arrive from unexpected...
Remotes are almost a must, since they are the cheapest regular orders available. As you gain experience, you'll likely never build a list without...
Lately, it has felt like all my vanilla Haqqislam lists are the same. Basically, I feel some profiles are so ridiculously good and outstanding,...
Thanks for the advice guys. I'm sure you're right. I will continue to try and master Combined, and think differently than I do with Haqqislam. I...
I just tried the Charontid Hacker Lieutenant on Highly Classified...man, what a beast he is on that mission. Pair him up with Ko Dali, and you've...
So, if you run the Dazer+Antipersonell mines Malignos, should you generally wait to reveal him, or if you get first round, should you reveal him...
People seem to swear by the Krakot Renegades. But I fail to see why they're so good. To me, they just seem like inferior Daturazi, trading awesome...
I'm very disappointed in the Malignos, as the proliferation of models with chain-colts or nanopulsers makes it template food 75% of the time....
Since I began playing Combined Army, I've seen a sharp decline in my amount of victories, compared to when I played Haqqislam. This saddens me...
The Asawira is very likely to be able to tank the Biotechvore with her BTS9, so using an Asawira could be an option. She's my preferred Haqq...
I left out lots of details about the situation that felt irrelevant to my point, and simplified it a lot. What actually happened was: My first...
I faced Shaasvasti today, and was expecting a Noctifer with missile launcher. So I fielded a Tuareg sniper, that I hidden deployed in a high tower...
The standard Combined Army build for Avatar lists always include a Speculo Killer, their impersonator, so I would do the same with Haqq, and pop a...
I hate to say it, but... ... ... Ghazi Muttawi'ah. Template weapons like chain rifles are excellent against TO cammo, but Muttawi'ahs also...
I've had spectacular success with the plasma rifle + sepsitor + tinbot charontid. He shines on dense tables and on mission with deep deployment...
It seems to me like the Haiduk with Marksman rifle should be able to lay down some pretty impressive Supression fire, occasionally in very...
There's little I can add that haven't already been said, but my main concern is this: When I play Onyx, I never take Umbras, even though I love...