So today I got massacred by Starmada. They had a Zeta TAG, and a link with 2 Nyokas with Rocket launchers, Hector, Parvati, and Shona Carano. The...
I think Haqq snipers took a very hard hit in N4. A large culprit is the fact that their shock damage got much worse, due to all the NWI models...
Why not just take both? *^_^* That being said, if you insist on choosing between them, I'd actually go with the plasma sniper rifle, for I really...
While a lot got amazing boosts in N4, some things got hit hard by the nerf stick...perhaps a bit too hard. And others are just as worthless as...
Not only did the Govads not change, we now also got Yara Hadad with MSV2, even in the Govad has even less of a role to fill than ever...
It's a good idea for Hafzas as well, once we get access to those guys again. my opponent cheated accidentally :D my defeat suddenly doesn't feel as bitter...
His list was: Zeta NCO Hector (spitfire) + Kappa missile launcher + Kappa combi-rifle + Psi-cop killer hacker + Bluecoat adhesive launcher...
So I just got absolutely curbstomped by a Starmada army with a Hector link and a Zeta TAG. It felt like an uphill battle, I gotta be honest, as...
Sure, but I only play vanilla. And there, the Hunzakut is much better points value than the Farzan if an infiltrating specialist toolbox is what...
Leila Sharif got even better, as she got E/M mines. It might not be a very big change, but it does compensate a bit for the lack of...
Unless it's an error, there is now a Hunzakut that's a regular, and not an irregular. I probably won't be using him, as he lacks mines and...
The question is, how the hell do we use Muttawi'ahs now...if at all. If you want the jammer or the E/marat, you don't get any it feels...
Well, he got hella lot cheaper...and the killer hacker got to keep Lightning, kinda, making him probably the best killer hacker in haqq. I think...
too bad I won't ever reach that high of a level :-/
At least in my other army, Haqqislam, everyone and their mother who had NWI got Shock Immunity in the N4 update. That the Umbras didn't is, by...
I had some success with the monofilament Malignos today. It was 400 pts Tactical Window though, so I expected to face lots of heavy hitters. I...
Of course, I should have expressed myself more clearly. I should have written "Let's say I take an Anathematic that's not a Lieutenant", or somesuch.
Is the Lieutenant Hacker really the obvious go-to? I've never tried it, but it seems to have several weaknesses to me. With the Anathematic as...
One very neat combo in Haqqislam is to run Tariq or an Asawira, or any other heavy infantry that's got a Cube, in conjunction with the Janissary...