Units are defined by what they can do and how likely they are to do it. This changes all the time by meta and by how a player builds their force....
Not yet, I've been playing against a new player and I want them to have fun.
I generally consider Jaguars as alternatives to Alguacil or Moderators, not compared to other WB. They're a cheap order that provides way way way...
Being Regular on Jags makes it an easier decision which a player prefers. If I had both I would usually take both.
I have the same reccomendation I always give for Vanilla and Corregidor players. Jaguars. They are the best troop in the 10 point range IMO.
I've always thought of WB that way because the two I use are Jaguars and Myrmidons. But I agree the impetuous ones are more like that now. Even...
Very flexible links worked for CJC, but not all factions should play the same. In particular forces that are specifically designed around...
I often take a Jag Haris with 2 CR and a faust. They are amazing for their cost. ADHL is what really makes it. This is the real answer, don't...
I take the Wildcat a lot cuz I'm linking them anyways. Alguacil + decoy is common too cuz I also usually have SWC to spare. Haven't taken the...
I remember that they did not at any point. There was a Bakunin update concurrent and less in-depth with a CJC update. Also Grrls got updated early...
You don't need a very hard target for it to make a significant difference. Like I said I do rate the HMC higher, I don't think it's even that...
MHMG* And it isn't a minor point on a TAG, they make a lot of ARO shots. I still give HMC the preference thou.
RemPres TAGs take command tokens to be more reliable which isn't so good either. I usually heal my Geckos when I'm in a good position to do it...
I do miss old shotguns but the new ones really advantage Bandits and Hellcats.
Depends on the situation. Drop AD. Use smoke. Fire a pitcher and carbonite or spotlight them. Use a SK to get under their positive range. Always...
That's why I typically don't take an HMG at all except for the Brigada. You can almost never target something that isn't designed to target you...
Got a very successful game in. I want to say that BSG Hellcat is a great opener for removing squishy link members with the double template. Very...
Most of those deal with Spitfire rangebands. I don't play Bakunin, and I typically don't use any HMGs, but a lot of people like them. Maybe it...
What, Taskmaster? Lizard?
Solo Moira HMG could totally see use.