I dont have a better list at hand, but I do have a suggestion for when this occours. write down what each unit in the list does ie Ghulam ML =...
Would you care to share how much you airbrush vs hand blend?
I know, a wet paper bag in close combat is the ultimate hollo men counter
Balancing that would be interesting, mimetism, always in cover, 360 arc, with courage on a HI (so like armor 7 or 8)
If you want to believe they are as survivalable as other HI all the power to you. My makuals are itching at the bit to say hello to your glass cannon.
Seems I had miss clicked on the drop down giving them armor 2 instead of 4. Still they are twice as likely to take a wound from a template then...
Why do you think the exclusive will be Aleph. Looking at the dossiers we have, and the image of the kazaks having a wardriver on the left, im...
Q. What guides the creation of the named charecters? i.e. did the AI watch Troy and get confused with a history book? Q. What in the aleph forces...
I like the lists. I think you are right in that you might be just playing them wrong. Haqqislam is the faction of asymetric trades, as in, our...
Given these are black ops its a little out of place, but if its what you want why not use the starship trooper ranks [IMG]
[img] Highly classified ────────────────────────────────────────────────── GROUP 1[img] [img] [img]10 [img]2 [img] SUKEUL HMG, D-Charges /...
We made it 2 days this time. Cumulatively speaking that's -100 days development this year.
I love the Kosuil BS/PF as a support piece in a triad. His weapons really make Heavy infantry think carefully about how they engage the triad, and...
So if you arnt aware you dont rely on the opponent to wound the Karuuri, you walk off a tall building first order turn one with one. they are S1,...
The knealing bs is a wardriver. That's for round helmet in silhouette
This is the stepwise function in inditial notation( number<x-triggercondition>^0 )It says that if x is ever greater then the trigger condition...
This reminds me of an inventor I was doing contract work for. He wanted an individually custom, mass produced, 3d printed, low cost consumer...
Im still learning how to use them best, I have plenty of experience pulling them apart. Smoke/shoot MSV2 is still the strongest way to handle...
You can proxie to see what you like. Something to note is that the whole game is based around knowing the mission before list selection, not...