Come at me bro I'm behind a TAG that generates four orders by itself and a swarm of 6-6 impetuous troops. (Yes yes I know you flogged the last...
Every tourney is a No Fireteams tourney when you play superior vanilla factions.
Not in this case, no. This isn't a question about requirements, it's a question about being able to declare the skill in the first place.
The scenario gives the defender extra irregular orders per trooper. It's not something outside Mercenaries :)
Minor point of order, literally every person I have heard discussing this is ecstatic at the idea of the Ko Dali + Speculo smoke shooting combo...
Just clarifying with regards to the recent FAQ 1.1.1, is it possible to declare BS attack AROs against troopers around corners (I.e. in total...
To note, we do still need clarity that the interim CC Attack ruling (that silhouette contact is also checked at declaration) still applies. I also...
Aha! Serves me right for reading only red text. Love your work. :)
I have good news, my friend!
The N4 FAQ 1.1 has considerably reworked the underlying ARO mechanic with the inclusion of pre-measuring ZOC to avoid uncertainty, and updated the...
First test game yesterday. Played Backstab. Initial impression, I feel like maybe the choice of Attacker and Defender should just be part of the...
Agree - and one of the reasons why the Asawira is my go-to. Moving it upfield to do the things I want it to do anyway lets me reposition its...
I might see about running a little side campaign of this locally - although I admit that I'm a little sad there's no way for me to get my Kum...
Hmm, Kriigel still have regular triad in Army (as distinct from Reex which correctly have special fireteam). Sort of hoping Kriigel keep regular...
Any info anywhere on HSN4?
In N3, I would almost never take a doctor as I could simply spend those points directly on more combat troopers, chaff, or more effective...
RIP Pandemonium, forever in our artichoke-flavoured hearts.
Ahh, why not. Here's long laundry list of stuff I'd personally put on my 'balance and gameplay kvetches' list. I am married to none of this and...
Can confirm - I watched that game and it was a thing of beauty.
I'd definitely be more interested in playing limited insertion if, instead of an ITS rule that made it even better at attacking, there was one...