Can confirm locally we also set up tables to allow vaulting onto sufficiently sized 'steps' between elation levels to encourage verticality.
I have literally not had this effect of the FAQ come up in a game yet.
Stop trying to make fireteams-just-being-coordinated-orders happen. It's not going to happen.
By all means - interested to see what you end up with :)
Specifically vanilla - we've got a prolific Starmada player locally although I believe he hasn't changed his list in the last three events. The...
I've got a local getting into O-12 that would probably really benefit from some further thoughts on this - are there any good resources I could...
I had this opinion before playing games against Phalanx; now I'm less sure.
Just as a bit of a personal lesson learned from running narrative campaigns with complex elements in the past, the biggest lesson learned was to...
Speaking as a player attached to my vanilla faction I was happy with the rest of the crew suggesting we just go to sectorials (with no WIP bonus)....
Setting aside my personal preference for vanilla because I'm an absolute muppet trying to use fireteams with more than three troopers, I would...
One games night and two rounds down. Games play nice and quick and frankly I don't think a single game got to four rounds so we got two games in...
Noctifier and malignos is a spicy meatball. Love it.
Hmm. Reasonable points well made. Assuming you had the design goal of fixing the lack of choice from reactive player getting ZOC smoke shot, what...
I don't think we can return to N4 requirements timing without resuscitating smoke shooting within ZOC ARO manipulation. And given the choice...
I will say in the Ayyar's defence that we probably need a moratorium on comparing things to Asawira. Even in vanilla where frenzy is live -...
Oh and as an addendum: having used one a few times recently, the Tohaa Kotail Mobile Unit is like an Ayyar if it were mediocre rather than a...
I've tried to use the Ayyar a couple times and have come to the following conclusions: most people won't engage with any 4D-chess mind-game...
Good point - for clarity, there are two worthwhile ways to get a two-man triad moving if you want to intentionally tinker with 'duos' in Tohaa....
Hah! So it was actually at least partly the pherobooster. I was running functional 'duos' of a makaul and a Kriigel pherobooster in kill missions....
Our locals are kicking off a little month-long Mercenaries campaign on Monday. Only alteration we're making to the rules is just having players...