Quick update from the airport on the way home. Lost the first round, then submarined 3 majors and a minor win leaving me in 4th place. Also was...
And the last piece I needed to get done prior to the weekend. I had to rush him a bit, still needs a few highlights (particularly on his rifle)...
Just a quick update while I'm doing my last minute painting. Red vs Blue [IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG] Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk
Last practice game prior to the ITS this weekend. I ran the same Wu Ming list in a game of Rescue, against Tohaa. What a miserable mission - but,...
He came to NZ in April, and is here again this weekend for INZO
Oh wow, so it is. You gotta believe me that it totally wasn't there last time I went looking for it! Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk
Is there any plan to get rankings for countries other than Spain and USA? It doesn't seem like it would be that hard to do. I play is a pretty...
Bikes and the big remotes - Rui Shi, EVO etc.
I often intend to take photos over a weekend and write up brief reports, but when the day actually comes around I either forget to take the...
Thanks :smile: I am happy with them, but I can see lots of little areas that could use a bit more depth. The army in general is still the best...
Here's some close ups of the models. I tried painting a tattoo as @ZlaKhon suggested. I'm happy that the tattoos look like tattoos, but I dont...
A bit of a big update today. I've been frantically working to get my Ikari ready for a 2 day event in Auckland this coming weekend. So I've pumped...
Finally got a game in with the Wu Ming core, which is good because lists were due today for a 2-day tournament next weekend. I played Frostbyte...
About 95% done on the first wu ming, but I dont like how he's turned out so far. Although, I did say that about the daiyokai until the airbrush...
Aw man, why'd you have to go and throw down a gauntlet like that? Now I'm going to have to learn how to do tattoos... Sent from my SM-G960F using...
Finally got around to finishing off my other brawlers. Next up is the Wu Ming and the spec ops that will count as a Tokusetsu. I replaced the...
I had originally suggested the tanko because the zuyong's armour is about 80% the same as a tanko's. But it makes sense not to do that if you plan...
Will you be using the Zuyong as a Tanko?
Next model done, brawler #1. Some 80ish% progress shots and the complete model [IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG] Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk
Thanks :grinning: This is the first project I've ever painted where I've been truly happy with the results. So I don't see any reason to stop now!...