Hakama are surprisingly easy to sculpt. @SirGrumpyPants sent you a PM.
Would make a fun character/HVT/Civvie!
Generally not bad, but as noted the WarCrimes Division (gods how I hate their fluff) would need some serious fluff adjustments to allow those...
Yes, that's what they were in N2. Faster, and had effectively ODD against hacking attacks. So, a Crane? I still think we should go with the...
That's certainly what I would have liked it to be! That might be a more reasonable role/slot in IA-as-released. Domaru are certainly Death...
Sure, makes sense (ish) in vanilla, but IA has way too many 30+point profiles for a model with an extra 4pt cost added in to be viable.
So, about the time the game starts shipping, then? (June-ish) I will be happy if it's sooner, of course, but June is fine.
I've been teaching @Indominus Rex how to play, talking about how 'one order' is a bit of time the camera in an action movie is following that...
Sad, but true.
Agreed, that's not enough units to know if the Sygmaa still Triad or not. I suspect we'd need to see a Sygmaa sectorial army list first.
Frack, that was about 5 forums ago, @KestrelM1 @ijw , got anything else to say on this?
Yeah, looks great, if kinda comic-book. Bright colors. Eyup! I'm hypersensitive to caffeine (to the extent of half-caf coffee and no caffeine...
I dunno, it could be a shameless moneygrab to expand the pool of people that might buy the game as a game, but only if they didn't have minis....
Well, we know from Tigers and Hellcats that it's at deployment in those cases. And Army shows the weapons choice as...
The GitS models are either a bit small (Jigabachi helo and included Tachikomas) or about 2x the size they should be (HAW206 tank and 1/24 scale...
Yeah, in the forum RP I was in, my ex-Uberfallkommando got his social aura flagged with a 'This person has mods illegal in YJ, speak to him at...
To have enough people buying a game to force CB to really do a good job on the campaign(s)? Yes, you and I are NOT the target demographic of such...
Yeah, you don't want to go there! The 'Mech design rules are awful!
This would actually be a really good idea to get some additional sales to board-gamers. "This is the complete, no-assembly-required,...
Not many Pitchers in your meta, are there? No enemy in ZOC, no ARO allowed. Yes, that's a good change. So what is the AHD supposed to do...