Zanshi LGL? not sure I ever have. Wu Ming LGL? Just about every time it's a legal option. Though it really helps that the multiLGL doesn't...
The Japanese do love (ab)using their language for puns.
The cancellation clause for Engaged says "A trooper can also cancel the Engaged state by succeeding in a Dodge Roll, whether it's a Normal or Face...
Sure, that's for tournaments. for Fun, though, you really should build table first. It's not like you wouldn't know what the terrain looks like...
Despite all my other flesh-tone paints, my go-to are the Reaper Master Series triads. I bought all ~30 of them in one go, back when I could throw...
It's worth buying just to paint, even if it never sees the table due to cursed dice.
Wow. Too much awesome to decide on a winner. 미안해요!
Did you seriously paint Isobel's computer as having a BSOD?!? :laughing::laughing::laughing:
Why laser-cut? There aren't many good-looking laser-cut vehicles. At least not any that aren't all GrimDork Gothic. Also, the MAS and...
Yeah, that is a really cool idea!
That's really kinda what I was expecting.
It's possible, and would potentially be good to scare the hell out of the civilians. But for anything more militarily significant, unless the Toy...
The order should really be like this: Choose mission Both players declare faction Set up terrain Both players build their army list Then start...
Yeah, CB is really abusing the label FAQ. If it's a rules change, call it an Errata (or even Rules Change). If you' are clarifying something...
If Code 1 is supposed to be the bridge between the Operation: Whatever intro boxes and the full rules of N4, then that's a good thing. Infinity...
Dude, that is AWESOME!!! Says something about how long it's been since I was on datasphere that this is the first time I've seen it......
Agreed. I can see the actual Combined Army (and Onyx) using Doc Worm, but Shas and Morats could use their own doctors.
That would be very nice.
Beat me to it! Though I went lazy and bought all the Reaper Master Series fleshtone triads. And the various P3 skin tones, and a bunch of others...
I really wish Dashat hadn't gotten the TA Zuyongs. They were originally released without them, then got them a month or two later. I feel that...