Now if we could just get some new models for them my Onzat could stop masquerading as one.
For reasons of balance I imagine. I've never gotten around to actually trying her out in either N3 or N4 but on the face of it I can see why they...
I'm not sure I've ever actually used the Sepsitor on the Avatar (or if I have it was so inconsequential I don't recall it) so I'm not sure this...
I put down so many hackers in ARO with Sucker Punch. Those were the days.....
I've had one game with MAF against Tunguska playing Supplies. They performed very well indeed. Raicho was solid until I rolled 1,2,2 for my ARM...
I think I misunderstood your intent now I have read it back. You are talking about deciding whether to use it to invoke a normal roll or not on a...
Great work as always. I love my Morats so your enthusiasm for them warms my heart. Just a couple of bits I noticed in there. Q-Drone still...
I haven't played them in N4 yet but in N3 I'd usually start with a Unidron core with a Nexus hacker and go from there. The lack of Supportware on...
For the time ever I got excellent mileage out of the Shasvastii rule last night. Playing Domination and 2 zones claimed by 'Unconscious' models...
I really like Highly Classified for casual games. Its awful in a tournament but its given a friend and I some of our most entertaining games in a...
Now that Muyibs are wildcards I can definitely see me putting a Govad HMG into a Muyib...err sorry...a Govad team to replace the Muyib Spitfire....
I had a play around with RTF last edition, although not enough to make any definitive statements. Everyone agrees that Mukhtars are golden. I...
I got some good mileage out of a Vanguard team last night. Kornak, Suryat HMG (TacAware), Vanguard ML and 2x Vanguard FO. Admittedly it was Kornak...
It might an interesting idea to limit Fireteam:Core to 'core' units like the basic line troopers and have most of the fancier units limited to...
If you are within 8in with a shotgun it may be a worthwhile play in active turn. It might be situational but its an option that wasn't there in...
I think Cores would need some bonus to justify the downsides of clumping 5 models up. I could see myself using Haris teams still in some cases if...
Whats the beef with Namurrs? They didn't lose anything as far as I can see, got 1pt cheaper and gained +2CC (or dubious use I grant you but still...
2 Ikadrons, the best 18pts you'll ever spend! These charming little fellas have done sterling work for me over the years. They truly are an...
Al Fasid now has Immunity(Shock) in Army.
2W, NWI and shock immune so effectively 3 wounds with ARM/BTS 6 makes a very durable platform. The Sogorat is and always has been a massive...