I really liked Confrontation (by french company Rackham) back in the day. I think is is the closest comparison to what I hope Warcrow will be....
Thanks man
Hi players I would assume this has been asked before but couldn’t find a thread. Does Religious keep a Fireteam from breaking when in Retreat....
Bostrias face speaks louder than mere words.
Let us know when they upload a version with sound would you.
They could already do this? What’s different? The Combi saves SWC but gets a shorter range and loses shock? The Marksman loses burst. SF hasn’t...
Yeah, both the Tyrok and Zabuk in all honesty is a bit much although I guess they were at least specifically designed as more tribal than the rest.
What if we only enslave inferior prisoners of war?! I am very keen to find out more about the Kyosot. It is interesting how they specifically...
It was really nice to hear that they made a conscious decision to keep the female sculpts buff and aggressive. “More Kendrat, less Anyat (old...
I mean, according to Bostria it’s a rocket to let loose at your enemies and it has Burst 3 Chain Rifles! With HRL B+1 it has a tool for every...
@DaRedOne Preach brother! The awesomeness of this release is off the charts my dudes! Sure there are nitpicks here and there but we’re given a...
That case is still under investigation and regardless Bureau Aegis cannot comment on individual cases. Should any crime have been commited we...
Not if you throw it very, very hard?
That’s great. Appreciate it.
It looks cool in a cyberpunk kind of way but I kind of wish they kept the tubes to the lower tech factions like Ariadna scum. Surely the EI uses...
Well it is certainly a re-work if true. Thanks for sharing. interesting with SMGs. What’s the usual discount?
Is this a joke? What’s your source? I barely recognise anything. Even the Vanguards are completely changed.
Exactly. That doesn’t rhyme with all the units being discontinued at once. There’s no way CB can release that many MAF units unless they...
I hope so. Got the impression it is more low key from Psychoticstorm and the fact it is ”only” an Action Pack with Haqq/Aleph sharing the glory of...
Considering we’re likely looking at a ”small” re-work. MO compared to Shasvastii. I think there will be a scattering of new units and resculpts....