Don’t forget Comlog!
Yes. It is mandatory.
Go home Lucian. You’re drunk.
Hola querido Hellois! ;) Just wanted to tell you how great it is to have you back and I also love these latest "smaller" updates where you tweak...
Wow you guys are a sad lot if you really believe CB intentionally did a bait-and-switch. It's just one of their usual fuck-ups. Same as every time...
Onyx is another army that loves EVO. It really pushes that cheap Unidron plasma sniper core to great heights. Real sad they can't take two now.
I think you missed the subtle hint in the video that there are no I-win buttons in Infinity.
It just dropped and holy cow.
That seems pretty standard for dungeon crawlers though. Less so for the skirmish game of course.
That’s the spirit!
Anecdotal of course (but so is this whole thread pretty much) but O-12 is most popular army in a pretty big tourny in South Africa....
I’ve also got a spreadsheet! Best I found in CA is Victor Messer at 13/20 and Yaogat HD at 14/20. Umbra Legate HD+ is also pretty good at 12/20....
The more you know. Thanks for that!
Cancelling HD is not a deployment and Holoechoes only come on at deployment, status phase or entire order.
We would give you advice on how to best use it. Leave the salt at the door please and thank you.
This is the first major CB release for my factions that isn't an instant buy for me. Even though I've mostly played CA for the last two years Haqq...
Looking at the better pics from Orka I think the Daylamis headsets are a nice touch. Can't remember if I have seen that before in Infinity but the...
I am completely underwhelmed with Haqq. Their design is way to heavy and high-tech and all the sculpts works just as well in pretty much any human...
Sounds like hacking to me!