[ATTACH] If psychoticstorm was doing what you ask, you'd already be banned for a looooooooong time, buddy. You're completely delusionnal. EDIT :...
It's one game round, for sure. And it's probably best like that, it would be a bit overpowered otherwise.
Except that we are playing the minis on a battlefield. Such a pose could be nice to expose the miniature behind some glass, not so much to depict...
Indeed. If it wasn't for the ridiculous and out-of-topic pose... :(
I guess a Combi which is the size of a grown man can count as a MMR... :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Precisely what I was asking for... ;)
What reversal of evidence? Again, everything is here : https://forum.corvusbelli.com/threads/reinforcements-as-a-purchase-option.42697/ Read :)...
Full denial it is then... :laughing:
Read more carefully then, take your time :)
Damn, that Gecko is hot...
Sorry @kesharq, did you read and understand my post? :) I think not. There you go :...
I don't need the sales number to witness the low pre-orders in stores, the people around me not buying precisely for the reasons I talked about,...
And CB changed its mind because the sales were low, something we can perfectly understand because a lot of people didn't want to buy minis they...
To be honest, it was kind of a crappy move from CB selling 80$ boxes without even telling people in which faction they'll be playable... This...
And yet, the concept of 8-legged engineers crawling on the outer hull of some spaceship to fix it looks much more Corregidor than Bakunin. Not...
Ok, now I'm intrigued.
It's a bit hard to get hyped for something we know nothing about and that will be there in like 2 years. Is it just Infinity N5?