Holy cow, I'm not trying to move any goal posts. The rules are written that you lose your opportunity to declare a second ARO if you didn't...
Read the post? He said nothing changed, my point was that the rule was changed to accommodate his ruling, which you've validated for me. This new...
This rule has to change, which I believe you suggest doing in a different thread mentioned in this one: The Reactive Player must declare AROs for...
Seriously, this level of reading between the lines is absolutely not approachable for veterans, let alone new players. If it took us 6 months just...
I don't believe it's disrespectful to disagree with IJW, I do not envy his position, and I believe he is doing the best he can by RAW. That said,...
Trust me, I feel the exact same way. I'm giving the impossible task of expecting people to be up to date with all of the forum threads which in...
Not too sure about that, we were all on board with allowing Berserk while in base contact while it was ruled against here, before it was ruled in...
It sounds like a lot of rules need to be changed/FAQ'd to allow for this interpretation to work. Exactly this. The ruling only works if you go...
I don't follow. The rules for ARO say: "The Reactive Player must declare AROs for all eligible Models or Markers immediately after the Active...
Still trying to sort everything in this thread out, but how does this not result in having to declare an ARO with every model in my army, legal or...
It would mean the Hidden Deployment state isn't cancelled, the model isn't on the board, so the player would start their turn in Loss of...
Is it more disruptive than having 3 levels deep of rules cancellation and exceptions inception to find something which is "intended"? lol...
Sure, though it didn't really have the explicit approval of our rules guru until now (maybe it did, I don't remember it getting this much...
Don't worry about it, this thread makes me think that during COVID people have forgotten how to play, and forgotten how to socialize, lol....
How do you figure? It's just a short movement skill. https://infinitythewiki.com/Idle
Sorry if I'm missing something, but how are people declaring Idle as an ARO? It's not an ARO skill...
That's how it worked in N3, you'd force the opponent to declare Change Face, then you could walk out safely. It sounds like people are saying in...
So does this mean if I don't declare an ARO I'm ineligible to do, then I cannot declare an ARO later which I am eligible to do? This is sounding...
Oh come on, I don't think Corregidor is that bad! :D In all honestly, I still love Druze in N4, and feel like they've actually got some...
IDK, I like the Kunai. It doesn't make it into every list, but it's an interesting tool to work with. A Mimetism -6 sniper in the right place can...