You can still plant D-Charges without rolling, this only affects high CC units that didn't need to use D-Charges.
Sounds like you need an Ads Blocker.
Army: All Troop: Motorized Bounty Hunter Browser used & Operative System: Android App, Chrome Desktop Description: The Fireteam (Duo) skill only...
Thank goodness, I was getting worried!
There is! [MEDIA]
Since Triad and Enomotarchos are still separate rules, they could define it separately. Like, Fireteam Core and Haris link bonuses are constrained...
My money is on models with Wildcard not counting towards the unit size when determining the link bonus. Counts as, and "may join" still work, just...
Here is what I'd be getting my hands on next, if I only had Defiance: Combined Remotes are fantastic, you'll want a box or two. Noctifer comes in...
Yeah, for an army without Combat Jump, it's airborne deployment game is on point. Paracommandos are really damn good for their points, I love the...
Why Cameronians over Dog Warriors or Devil Dogs? Is it just the 3-4 point savings?
Hey now, that was my favorite spetsnaz for a while. :)
So building on the thread about active turn shooters in Vanilla Ariadna, I think there is an interesting discussion just about what units people...
Oddly, I'm with Nuada a bit on this, at least a bit. I was given the model for free (which I'll be buying anyhow when I order Beyond), so I think...
I think the savings is something that we'll see over time. We all know the price of metals has skyrocketed, being driven by the electronics...
I definitely encourage people make up their own minds. I don't think cherrypicking the worst photos on the internet to make your opinion from is...
So far this is only the second time we've got a freebie from Corvus Belli, first was the MO box. I kept the MO box, because I play MO, and I...
Ahh right, the good 'ol, everyone who actually has it is lying if they don't hate it it approach... Really, I haven't found anyone else who has...
Forget that, send me a second one!
I think that is a very reasonable approach... Much more reasonable than looking at other people's photos and hunting for nitpick issues that would...
From what I can tell, he doesn't have it in-hand, and I don't speak Spanish so can't understand the interpretation of the video. I'd be skeptical...