Triangulated fire on a MSV troop with long range gun like the feuerbach doesn't seem amazing to me either. It's rare that you'll be shooting at...
Ajax didn't get CC+1B, he got BS+1B to simulate his old double combi, and also BS+1Dam as well. This also means he now has a burst 2 damage 14...
Forgot to actually pledge this one. Still, super happy with how it turned out. Next will be the legend himself, Achilles(v2)! [IMG] [IMG]
I'd buy that.
And it all refers to Achilles' best attributes
Yeah, sure. Which Achilles profile do you like best? No matter which you choose, Our "one man A-team" usually makes for a pretty simple...
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] I'm neither the best painter nor photographer, but hey, still looks better than unpainted metal.
Wasn't there also a CSU in the Coldfront pack? I always put one in a Dakini link.
Achilles V2 with BS(+1dam) and TacAware would be a great addition. V1 still needs some love even with that however, he needs a better gun. 2SWC...
That paintjob is so phenomenally rad
MULTI Spitfire would be amazing
A couple issues still in Aleph Deva: Sensor lieutenant option is still missing its sensor. Apsara: As a tax of 1SWC in vanilla, should not be...
Posthuman Proxy.
Personally I agree that the novelty seasonal minis are a tad pointless. However, an easter bunny Marut could be hilarious.
You're definitely on to something here. Putting aside the change of Casanova's saber to a katana, the cloth folds on his crotch area are...
Gosh, those are some gorgeous models coming out. Also, Santacycle! I wonder which motorcyclist will be giving presents? I kind of want it to be...
I'm pledging Atalanta
Ooh, i'd love a Trojan horse TAG. Though, maybe it should have Enomotarchos and Strategic Deployment or whatever it's called instead. That's the...
What about the Nisse link? MSV2, Mim(-3) and decent armor makes them stupid hard to work around. Oh, and a KoJ missile in a core link. Solid.
Everyone talking about Hoplite HI, but I would mostly love an Aiodos hacker troop that can go into fireteams, or even better some kind of...